Last Update: 09/28/2003
Emulator Movies
If you wish to send me a copy of your recorded emulator movies, feel free to do so, but
please follow the guidelines below to make my job easier. :) Unless this site becomes
very big, I don't plan on writing an automated backend script to handle everything.
You must include the following information for a movie:
Your Name/Handle
ROM Name - This must be the name assigned by the GoodXXXX
utils, if that system has it.
Emulator used (including version)
What you did - What does this movie show you accomplishing?
Any additional files - This includes cheat files, hacks, etc. that are need to show your movie.
Include the above information in a .txt file with the same name as the ROM name. Then ZIP all of the files into
on ZIP.
Send the ZIP file to the address below and I will post it as soon as possible (if it's acceptable).